My Dearest

And all those like you...

What, I ask, makes someone love one person above all others?

Is it that this person is beautiful? Does that person have the best personality? Does that person offer me something that no one else has before, or that no one else can offer? Is this person special? Invariably, everyone has that one that "got away" that they always remember. Whether it was when they were fifteen, eighteen, or twenty. There is always that one that you loved the most; the one that you sacrificed a lot for; the one that drove you to make decisions you normally wouldn't; the one that drove you to make a complete ass of yourself.

Allow me to reflect: I know a guy, who is by all rights fucked up, to put it politically incorrect. His body does not function right, and he is for all intents and purposes pretty slow mentally. He used to be an average Joe from what I understand. I never knew him then; I have only seen how he is now. He apparently caught his wife in bed with another man. The story goes something like he shot the guy and his wife, killing them both, and then shot himself in the chest. He's still alive, but not quite "right".

What is it about a person that drives someone else to the edge? Is it the fact that this dearest love is so special and grand that a life without them is worthless? Or is it that people generally need a reason to be miserable?


"The Struggle To Remain Sane"

Human Nature is that force that drives loved ones to hate one another when they feel that they have been done wrong by the other and the shallow attempts thereafter to single handedly break every other heart that comes along in a feeble attempt to inflate the ego, relieve the pain, and hold on to the sanity.

How's that for a clinical diagnosis?

"A Degree in the Finer Humanities"

It has occured to me that as of late those who claim to have the answers to the questions really don't know jack shit about themselves, let alone the true answers to life's questions. At least the little confused girl that can't make up her mind as to what type of ice cream she wants after dinner doesn't let pride make her tell her parents to fuck off because they're wrong.


"Control Freak"

Subtle manipulation is when a little boy tells his mother that little Jimmy down the road has a new toy and that it's really cool and mentions Christmas in the same sentence. It's also when a grown man cries and apologises after abusing his girlfriend/wife.

Powerlessness is when the bully takes away little Johnny's lunch money and threatens him with another beating if he tells. It's also when a grown man uses women and throws them away.

Gullability is when little Shannon believes that uncle Bill can really pull quarters out from behind her ears. It's also when a girl really thinks that an asshole has changed and won't start the same old things he used to do.