Yes, you found another Evil Empires Secrtet. Email me and I'll see what I can whip up for you. Until then; Enjoy.

Most people let that which they believe without a doubt to be true control their thoughts and actions rather than that which is truely right. Truth. The truth is a virus that infects and sickens all those with no immunity to it. Immunity, that is the part where one is introduced to the agent and this gives the person an idea of how to deal with it. Decided how it all is already? Then go make love to yourself with a piece of sandpaper you worthless shit. Think you got it all figured out? Suck a donkey cock and take a gunshot in the morning. That's my proffesional advice.

Most people face either on event, or an entire stretch of events that try their beliefs. If you've failed and go back to doing stupid shit.... die. I know several people that have faced their trial and failed; Friends, loved ones, family, etc. All those that failed are guilty. And all though I love these people, they are doing stupid things, hurting other people, etc. I can name two in particular that probably know who they are, but will deny such things to the bitter end in the name of "pride" in his case, or "love" in hers. Nepotism and/or double standards are not an option. For example, if I have a family member, dear love, or good friend that has failed their trial, they are just as guilty as the guy that date raped his ex. So to say that the girl that would take back such a man is as guilty as him. Is that harsh? Maybe. Is that just? Maybe not. Do I care? Fuck no. I would sentence both to death, him for such an act of inhumanity, and the girl for an act of stupidity. Both are equally guilty. Same as the family member that does the same, or the dear friend that refuses to accept his own humanity and believe that to love is human, and to hurt life.

Love is the ultimate in sieges. If it takes utter sacrifice, even to the point of destroying every tie one has to his dearly beloved, closest friends, etc. to make a point and make humans people again.... Then so be it. Is it better to shoot one of your best friends, or the only girl you ever cared about in the face, or let a million people live miserable, mediocre, worthless, painfull lives? I have the answer, but do you? Can you handle sacrifice as I am ready to? Do you know what it is to be human? I expect answers to these questions that I have posed to all of you, but more over, I expect actions.

Is my page, Evil Empires, about having another fad to make money: maybe. Is it about the truth: You're damned right. Go there and get a clue about what I'm saying... or don't. It's all the same as long as the message is clear. The message is the point, the carrier doesn't matter. Are you truely real, or are you another zombie? Will you make a difference, or will you trod along with the other cattle? Moo.