Sight Unseen

I define myself. I am not what I want to be, nor what you want Me to be. I am what I choice. I am neither beyond this world nor behind it. I embrace it. Life is so sweet when We simplely let go for a second of the things that have found there way into our heads, and for one second dare to be the man tasteing the strawberry before he falls down to the tiggers.

I havn't cursed once in this rant.

I destroy other's awe of a man and accidently make him in awe of Me; even if for only a moment. Isn't life a funny circle?

More then We can ever know We choice Our own paths. I feel often as if We all crawl on our bellies with Our faces held down, and the only thing I have over most folks is that I have accidently looked up.

It isn't so much that I have desided to do or be anything as the fact that I have deside that there are somethings I am not going to do and some ways I just won't be. Since the world wants Me to be those ways sometimes it must change so I can function and not be them.

There is no way that things "should be." The very idea is the heart of much saddness. We get an idea that the world should be, and when it isn't We get on this marry go round of saddness and anger. There is what the world is, what it might be, and what we will do.

"The prettist people do the uglist things" - Kayne West

Then God came to him in cave. I can belive it he came to Me in dorm room. Moses in a burning bush. See that is the thing, I think God only goes to real dives. Or maybe that is the only time We can listen.

Christ help Me, am I going Gaundi over here?

I know crazies on sight. We can smell our own kind.

If I offer you advice it isn't that I think you'll take it or that I know what is best. It is that I am like 99% sure you are headed for a big problem, and I don't want to let you do that with out a warning. Sort of like the time I told a kid eating yellow snow "Hey kid, don't ever eat yellow snow." I just feel better later that you can't get on to Me for not trying to help.

I am neither the sell out nor the idealist. I haven't got something people want or an ideal.

I don't want people to like Me, or hate Me. I just for the most part want to be left alone so I can live My life. I think what you do is your business, and that what I do is mine. I think law is a good idea, bad excution. No pun intended.

I love you man but your return to our nation is on the list of things that make for a bad surprise. Do you realize how close We spent to haveing 3 days of yard work and me packing? For once something not working out was really good for Us.

I'm not a god, I am just trying to be.