
"I understand. I'm actually quite unremarkable."

*** Women are so very fickle. One day it's "I love you more than life itself and I can't live without you." then the next day they don't even speak to you.

*** Go pound sand up your ass.

*** I understand how easy it would be to become a junkie.

*** ...And as she entered the room I watched the collective Intelligence Quotient plummet.

"Same Old Song"

I'm so tired of being fake.

Just once, can I not smile?

Just once, can I be alone for the sake of being alone?

Can I be brave enough to seek help?

* * *

*** I hate mixed signals.

*** She still makes a good argument for birth control, by presence if not practice.

*** I wish that I was right sometimes.


I've thought very hard about careening off the edge of highway sixty -two at eighty miles per hour into a tree... I decided that it would be too much of a mess. I suppose the closed casket angle would be nice but all together a troublesome thing for everyone involved.

In any event, here I sit, smelling like an old, overfilled vaccum bag hoping that soon I'll be able to do someting worth living for.

*** I'm incredibly glad that I'm not as stupid as you treat me.

*** Leave me the fuck alone. Everyone. Please.

"The 'Burbs"

So, I'm driving down my road to visit all mighty Wal-Mart for important goods. As I'm cruising down the street at approximately twenty-five miles per hour a young gentlemen of about the age of ten is walking almost directly in the middle of the road

This very pasty white young gentleman looks straight through the tape that is my window and throws up what I recognize as the west-side gang sign.

Against my not-so-better judgment I decided not to return with my own sign or stop the vehicle and explain ethnic realities and pedestrian safety with the tire iron in the back.

*** Yes, that shit just kicked in.

*** I'm positive that you don't care.

*** 451 is an awsome punk act from L-ville. They rock my ass. I actually purchase their music.


Child, don't think that because you are more eloquent than me that I will even allow you gain any control of the only forum in the world that I possess actual control over. This is my howl of pain; I can not allow it to be silenced. This is my art; I can not allow it to be defaced. This is home; I can not allow it to be tresspassed.

I am too desperate to allow it.

If you weren't naive you'd understand. I am sure of that. Your judgment is usually good I'm sure, but it's clouded now; I've seen a hundred more before you go the same way.

As for the other.. Don't forget the I have the experience with you and that is bad(for you). You know that I have the potential to be truely nasty and that I will do it. You're someone totally different now so using that power doesn't bother me. It's just like attacking a different man.

In the end we're all caged animals and fucking with us is bad. I am a product of my world. I know my way around it in that respect.


*** Man Savage.

*** You can't be that stupid.

*** And I quote,"Go get raped.".

Fuck drama. I hate it.

Not all things are as they seem. Thank God.

I do not feel the romance.

Don't make me be a bastard.