Three Little Words

"You're So Cute When You're Dumb"

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm tired of being ashamed. I'm tired of apologising for how I feel and what I do. I'm tired of feeling sorry for idiots. How may times have you looked at an idiot and thought, "Oh man, this person's going to be dumb, that really sucks."? It's like stopping and staring at a gruesome car accident; it's human nature.

If you're an idiot, don't bother answering that question, or even reading on for that matter. As a matter of fact, if you're an idiot, do the world a favor and shoot yourself in the head. As I've been told before, "the world doesn't need people like you anymore...".

I don't understand, I truely don't. Maybe one of you can help me. I don't see why, or where people went from good and trustworthy to stupid and hurtful. As I watch every new generation come into being I see more and more lack of humanity. People younger than me seem to hold nothing sacred. There has to be something to hold onto, no matter how small, but everyday I see the same stupidity that brought us the Regan administration, rape, ignorance, fear, betrayl, murder, etc.

But hey, if that's what people want, so be it. On the day of Flames I will stand on top of the lifeless bodies of the guilty, plant the flag of the Empire into their corpses, and lead Humanity into either the darkest or greatest times that have ever been.

And No One Is Stopping Me.

My All Time Favorite Gun, and It's Shiny Love

Imagine the fun, excitement,and sheer and utter thrill to waking up to another day.

I love my job. I don't get paid much, I put up with more shit than Malcolm X at a "Klan Meeting", and I generally dislike what I do... But I love my job.

Wow, I'm home from work now, almost too tired from being shit on to do anything I enjoy. I'll have a beer. I'm going to check my email. Oh, look. People I love, people I dislike, and some I don't even know say that they hate me. Great. I'm loving life now.

Well, it's time to go to bed. Maybe it'll be a better day tommorrow... Oh.... Here come the nightmares.

Repeat everday as needed.

The Empire is that feeling in the back of your mind when you are all alone at night, hating yourself, groping blindly in the darkness at hope.


Many times, it's often said:

"Man, I think I'd rather be dead."

Sometimes I cry and wonder at night,

Why everyday, must I struggle and fight

So to those who ruin, and twist what is true,

I gladly say, "Fuck you, too."

The Empire knows your dark secrets and all the ignorance behind them.