The Way of Things

Winter is coming and I feel like killing people.

Fuck the eighties. Fuck your music. Fuck your clothes, car, and ideals. Fuck the animals; I eat them. Fuck your tits. Fuck your face. Oh, and fuck you.

Mother fuck.

I eat lots of red meat. When they cut open right before they put me deep in the cold ground they are going to find a fucking meat sweater from my esophagas to my colon. By the way, if my misspellings bother you, you can always come suck some shit straight out of my ass and chase it with some of my sperm.

Lately it seems all I feel like doing is killing or fucking something. Not in that order, though.

Fuck. Why can't I have one good day? Or just a mediocre one even. Why does it always have to be a fucking struggle?

Real men die young.

Heros die.

If I don't speak to you there is reason for this: I don't want to. We will not be having quality time, fun, or excitement. I cut people out of my life for a reason. Besides the fact I'm a bitter, cynical, cold-hearted man.

And while I'm at it, fuck all the rest of you.

I will never be weak again. Not for you; Not for anyone.

Consider yourself warned.

People are stupid. People will always do the wrong thing; Or the worst thing; The most annoying thing; And, of course, the dumbest thing. This is simply the way of things and those of us in the minority can do nothing to change it.

Everytime I talk to you I never want to again.

If you don't have ass, drugs, or money to offer me: Don't bother.

"Another Dainty Number"

I am a product of your world, the one that you created. I am years of social conditioning. I am your image. I am a mirror. I reflect you and your desires.

If my behavior seems abhorrent or disturbing, it is because you fucked up. You don't like what I say and do? Fuck you. How can you have the audacity to be offended? You sicken me. You are weak.

You know what? I enjoy polluting the environment. Fuck you and your future grandkids. I can only hope that what I do now will have such a formidable impression on the future that your lineage must where respirators, SPF5000 sunblock, and the like. Maybe I want them to be more miserable than I feel now.

Oh yeah, I'm a hater.

This is America, I don't have to take responsibility for my actions.

Fuck all you dirty whores.

Like anyone will see this shit.

After I heard that sun block can cause skin cancer I pretty much gave up. Obviously, America causes cancer. I smoke two packs a day now and love it. How about that?

Arnold Swarzenneger? Are you fucking people that stupid? Like Bush wasn't enough? Oh, yeah, the fucking Terminator can't go wrong. Fuck, this shit makes me sick.

Even though I know people are complete idiots, human stupidity and the speed at which it takes place never cease to shock and amaze me. Fuck. I can at least train a fucking dog.

Wasted and ready; I like the sound of that.

Fuck you California. Fuck you Louisville. Fuck you Frankfort and fuck you France.

"Without you, without you everything falls apart (It's not as much fun to pick up the pieces.)"

-Nine Inch Nails, The Perfect Drug

Tonight, I'm fairly sure that you've destroyed any good feelings I ever had about you. Fare thee well. Have fun ruining your life.

Well, once again woman, you have let me down. That's ok though, I at least expected it this time.

Life pretty much sucks right now. I think that's a fair summation.

"Bring peace to my black and empty heart."

- Pj Harvey, "The Dancer"

"There is no love left in your eyes; There is love between your thighs."

"I hate my life, I hate my life; Never want another wife. I want the life you think I have."

- Dave Navarro, "Rexall"

"Give me my money back; Give me my money back, you bitch.

- Ben Folds Five, "Song for the Dumped"

I'm not nearly high enough to deal with how much things truely suck.

I'm bitter so fuck you.

"It's a Small World"

The world doesn't owe you a fucking thing. The world doesn't owe you anything for having a fucking kid, having bad parents, not having money, being addicted to something, or having a horrible disease. The world, in general, doesn't give a fuck about you or anything in your life.

You know how I know?

Because it doesn't owe me a fucking thing either. And it bothers me.

This is simply the way of things.

The moon is full tonight and I hope to never have to hear from you again.

Listening to "Whiter Shade of Pale" while getting high and wondering what the point really is anymore.

So race back to your sorry clusterfuck of a man and prove everyone right. Thanks.

"Oh, bell."

You know what would be good right now?

Pain killers.

"Can I help it if I still dream time to time?"

- Tom Petty, "It's Good to Be King"

God, please grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the strength to change the things I can, the wisdom to tell the difference, and the will power not to strangle the ignorant shit-heads I must deal with from day to day.

Fuck you, your truck, your woman, your dad, your sister, and everything you hold dear. I wish your mom had gotten head the night you was concieved. May your life continue to be a sad clusterfuck that I can laugh at on my bad days.(Which, coincidentally, turns out to be most days.)

I downloaded the Beck, Sea Change player. It only plays the Beck, Sea Change albumn. Nothing else.

Yeah, I'm scary.

It sucks being right sometimes.

"How could this love, ever-turning, never turn its eye on me?"

"How could this love, ever-changing, never change the way I feel?"

"Lazy sun. Your eyes catch the light, with the promises that might come true for a while."

-Beck, "Lonesome Tears" from Sea Change

What starts with an "F" and ends with an "uck"?



Fuckyou,youfilthybackstabbingwhore... truck.

Things aren't always that bad; Just most of the time.

Oh, I do you a favor and you shit on me. Thanks a bunch. I'll remember that.

Frankly, you depress and ashame me.

So, I've managed, somehow, to piss off everyone I know. Good. Fuck it. I long for the day I leave here and live my quiet, well off, self-desructive, existance in a far away state. Just counting down.

I don't think you can really handle the level of my depravity.

Brittney, you are a feisty little slut. I think your energy would be best spent sucking my dick.

Fuck all of you.

"There is nothing; No one to see. The night is useless and so are we."

- Beck, "O Maria" from Mutations

"And I've been looking for a good time, but the pleasures are seldom to few.

- Beck, "O Maria" from Mutations

So where are you when I need you?

"Tell me that it's nobody's fault, nobody's fault, but my own."

- Beck, "Nobody's Fault but My Own" from Mutations

The things she does are stupid.

The things you people do are pointless.

The things I do are in vain.

The things that happen are killing me.