Walk Softly...

I'm so sick of being broke all the time.

Hallucinations are fun most of the time. But not all of the time.

Right now you might have illusions of me caring about spelling and grammer so I'll let you in on something. This is not a corporate memo and it certainly isn't a scholarly work. So, do me a favor and go fuck yourself with a spatula.

You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows.

Day number 9307.5. Still no point.

It pisses me off when people post under unimaginative names like "fuck you" or "counting-crows2000". Did you simply not have the time to think of something clever? Do you like sounding like an angry thirteen year old boy? Here, I'll give you some stock one's so you at least don't have to engage in autonomus cognitive action:

Her: "I just worry about you. There's a lot of crazy people out there. What if one has a gun?"

Me: "Honey, I am one of the crazy people. Don't worry about me. Just be glad I'm on your side.

"Walk Softly..."

Fuck you Kev. You wonder around wearing all black, hands beind your back, sunglasses on, and looking somber like you're some kind of warrior-poet badass. You isolate yourself from other people like some kind of proud loner. Well, allow me to readjust your world view:

I am the badass. Guys like me were the loner, and not because we chose it. We had our little group because others wouldn't have us. We fought because we had to fight; For our honor; For our survival. We wrote because we had to to stay sane, not to impress anyone. So, you see, guys like me who made it this far, we don't give fuck. And I'll gladly beat your ass and slap your mom if it's what I feel like doing because you're a useless piece of trash that's just stepped over the line one too many times.

The problem is, too many people think their badasses and they're not.

Case in point:

One beautiful spring evening I'm driving somewhere with my girl beside me just wanting to enjoy being with her for a little while. We go down a street and there's some teenage boys playing basketball in the road. This immediately aggrivates me but, it's cool, as long as they move we're fine. Of course, it isn't that simple.

One stands directly in front of me waving his arms, thinking he's cool and funny. Yep, now I'm getting angry.

So, when they do move I blow my horn to let them know my disapproval. Note, I do not say anything out of the way or give any obsene gestures. What do I hear? The bigger one says, "Fuck you!". Oh, fuck me? We'll see about that.

Something snaps at this point and I slam on the brakes which, coincidenatally, creates a nice, loud screeching noise. I then quicky throw the transmission in park and leap out of the vehicle, not even bothering to close the door.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I yell.

The boys stand as still as I've ever seen a person stand and one says, "Nothing." He then begins to lie that he was talking to his friend. This makes me even angrier and it must of showed. He appologizes for any confusion and sounds like the most polite, apolgetic man I've ever heard.

I glare at them for 30 seconds - minute to get my point accross, silently go back to my vehicle, and slowly drive away.

Moral of the story: A lot of people make a show of being a bad ass with their buddies but when one truely fed up mother fucker takes action, things tend to become very different.

I've seen them playing basketball in the road once since that day. They parted like the Red Sea. Me? I smiled and waved politely.

I'm hoping that I maybe saved these guys from really getting hurt in the future. I think I might have actually been successful.

Women seem to be good at making a man feel like the asshole. This is typically reguardless of whether or not he did anything wrong.

Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck.

If there was a fucked up sites web ring I'm sure this one would be a part of it. As well as www.nodata.com.

Why is it when I write people back I don't ever get anything. People are always telling me to write to them and when I do I never get anything back. It's kind of like they're saying, "Ha! Gotcha, sucker."


The stupidest cunt ever at work went on an anti-drug rant. Some poor bastard said something about smoking pot once upon a time and she laid into him. I guess she's probably had some terrible experience with someone that smoked a little pot in the past.

Too bad this bitch probably dates/loves/admires someone that fills their body with questionable chemicals daily. Any artist she enjoys has/is probably done/doing copious amounts of drugs.

Here she is calling this guy trash for smoking a little pot when some of the smartest/most artistic/nicest people in the world get high in some way.

You wait. When she goes off to school I'd say within the first two months she's gotten real high, drunk, and probably gotten gangbanged. Probably in the same night.

Walk softly and carry an Uzi.