in the shadow of my father

i love telemarketers.

think about it----people who do nothing all day but sit at a computer terminal, push every kind of anything on god's green earth, get paid for it, and piss regular american joe off on a consistent basis.sounds like my life.

it's what makes america great, right?

it's especially good if regular joe, while beating his wife out of her senses for something like, oh, spilling water on the floor gets a call from one of these telemarketers ---- allowing his wife time to run and leave so regular joe won't beat her any longer.

she'll come back later with a gun and shoot him dead, and then they'll be on " COPS " together.

yeah, america's a great fucking country.

in homage ( and really, umbrage) to a certain imperialistic gentleman i will now list some films that won't make you worthless bastards think too much

" festen "

" fight club "

" reservoir dogs "

" the lottery "

(how's this for commercialism?) " good will hunting "

" smoke signals "

" meeting people is easy "

i love radiohead.

" after years of waiting nothing came as your life before your eyes you realise there is nothing left i am a reasonable man get off my case get off case get off my case"---radiohead, "packt like sadines in a chrushd tin box"

Instead of going out tonight, punch yourself in the nuts three times and the heart twice. This will save you approximately $75.

( quote courtesy of

i am tired of not being self centered

i am tired of fucking sacrificing for everyone else.

what the fuck is a type A person? the only real differences in human beings are penises and vaginas.

the only reason people are so fucking stressed out is because they allow themselves to be.

right now i'm watching a woman on television---she's there with the underscored title of "wants more time for herself."

i fucking hate women.

stupid, mindless, babbling, moronic, selfish, self centered, incoherent, whiny, whorish, indecisive cunts. all of them.

while i'm at it---fuck TV too. if i want random, pointless commentary i'll go talk to one of my fellow "students".

i think you met me at a very strange time in my life

wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP