Stuff From the Road

This shit is part of what's at the heart of me. And you can't really know me till I let you.


At that point Me and the Mormon missonarys started to look uncomfortable.

They are not all that I am, but They are part of what I am.

The fact that life might have no meaning, lack of hope, beind doomed to fail and knowing it, are no reasons to not try your best. No joke.

Even in case of miricales, mortals are expected to bring there own perperations.

-David Brin

I hate tea. I am alergic.

Around the time I found out there was going to be a Scooby Doo movie that was live action, I knew that God had to have a sence of humor.

I was born.

Most people are afraid to fail. I am a afraid to not succed. This might sound the same, but think about it.

Fucking smokers.

You are going to die.

Fuck jlo.

Fuck butt cleavege.

Fuck seplling.

Fuck Me.

This is the remi.

coming this fall from WHITETRASHFASIHON.

That's it breed, we need more people who are to dumb to use condoms.

Have you accepted Bob Dole as your personel savior?

SSSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAATAN can only be defeated by BBBBBiiiiiiiiillllllllll Cosby.

I am the Profit.

I am a ninja.

blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow 13-5 blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow

Sissy women live behind the wall.

If India and Pakistan are going to fight a nuclear war. I wonder if telling them that cows would die would talk indea in to backing off.

People say I am an asshole for telling them the stuff I do. I wonder if it ever occurs to these fucks, and yes you just might be one sluthole, that I am just telling them the truth they don't want to hear. I think a lot of folks define a lie as anything they don't want to hear. Maybe I am trying to help, ever think of that? If I tell you that your man is shit and going to fuck you over, or your girls a whore do you think that I like saying this shit? I'm not that kind of guy. I am the kind of guy who most of the time doesn't care but once in a while sees an injustice so bad he has to say something about it. Yep that makes Me that bad guy for sure. Here is a news flash people, if I have the slightist doubt, if the person in question hasn't done this 100 times before, I wouldn't have said anything. And before you get into all the shit about people changing you have to accept the fact they it's pretty fucking rare for change to start with a freind, lover what ever. So rare as to have yet to have happened. Change starts with the person changing.


Dumb fucks are honestly surprised is what gets me.

No I have not accepted Jesus Christ of Nazareth as my personel savior, no I do not submit to Allah, and yes I eat pork. My God is not your God. And I don't want him to be. Following that God hasn't helped much now has it?


Take action.Found out to day that the story of My life had the wrong begining, dad was hitting mom before I was born. That's cool, nice to know it wasn't my brothers death.

Kind of sucks having your 1st memorey in life being your brothers grave, grass not even growing yet.

Like the fuckers who need to hear it will listen.

I have an idea, lets deprive a kid of friends, love, family, hope, and the basics needs of life, then act all pissed off when he's not a nice guy.

get a load of this shit, I do not want the world your offer, nor even the one you think you offer. I do not want a life that is measure by my bank account, or on in which my religion is the desideing factor in everything. I have no desire to be what you think I should be, but still don't mind if I am.

I am not a nice person.

still no naked pics. What is wrong with these hos?, get naked bitches. show your cunt and humilate yourself like you know you want to. prove you have no worth.

Guess what I say I alot of stuff with tounge in cheek.

High Ruler of the Plains, and Lord of Combat


Hey, it might make you uncomfortable, but get aload of this, all those starving kids, you don't fix it your fault. Mine too. Homeless people, yep so is that. Abused kids? You got it. Disease resreach, the enviorment, you get the idea. This shit is your fault if you aren't trying to fix it. The difference between Me and most folk? I know and admit this to Myself.

I like Vanilla Coke.

Why can't I have more fans like Fastway9 Artist? Since your the only fan I like (if you write for us you're a contributer not a fan so calm down) this rant's for you too.

Oh bell.

7 and getting molested by a cousin in who is fat, female in there early 20's.

8 and the 1st older guy who acted like he liked me turns out to literally worship the Devil.


Forgot the world is a good place and Jesus loves me.

For the love of Christ, realize I don't want sympathy. I just don't know how to deal with it. I am just trying to let you fuckers know where I come from.

We really shouldn't tell Gays that it's wrong to be gay. I don't like dick, but why should we care if they do? And why don't they have the right to marry, have health insurance, adopt kids? I have heard all the arguments and fuck them. Strait people tend to do more worse shit.

I guess you could say I am liberal for a republican.

It's not that I am prejudice black man I choice not to name, I just dislike YOU.

What? Are you blind?

I saw a bumper sticker that said "if your not offended your not paying attention" I guess the idea of someone who knew what was going on, and had just given up hope and didn't really want to notice, and so didn't bother to be offend, but still couldn't help but paying attention that had been dismissed by them. But I'm still here.

Make something of yourself. Prove me wrong when I call you a looser, sad, a clusterfuck. Raise your kids right, go to school, wright a great novel. Then I'll eat crow. You have my word, and my word is still worth something. Don't reply, respond.

And remember don't kill anyone, that's bad.

Don't rape, it's bad.

Don't let others do that shit, bad too.

And keep your hands, and your feet, and your teeth to yourself.


I don't claim the world is good, or that it ever will be. Simply that it can be.

And now to discuss the goodness that is HBO orginal seris. The Wire, set in Baltimore shows both sides of crime. Really good, Great acting. The Sopranos, all I can say is I miss it.

Crime reminds me of childhood.

You might say I'm bitter. I'll say your a sad sack of shit who takes no part in there own life and feels the need to lash out at anyone who dares take action in the cluster fuck that your trying to make our world into.

And no I am not going to be cruising Friday.

I won't miss Left Eye, or Aliayah.

I wonder what mom would think of the site. is a good site.

suck My Dick.

I love My X-Box. He's named Killer.


The wright songs about me, and men like me.

I am not noble, or great, or rightous. I just know Who I Am, refuse to devaule myself, and I Am determinded.

+2 vs lameness


STOP Coming

sideways eights

don't be lame

being lame as we can boss


I would love a job.


I look around and I see people who put shit on there lips and complain about the stink.

If it is true, don't expect that to be enough to get people to belive you.

And Fuck John Smith.


Like the fuckers who need to hear it will listen.