
It has come to my attention that I may have to retire the name "disinherited knight" as I believe it has become a misnomer for me. I have had a little time to analyze this and this is what I have discerned. Disinherited is no longer fitting due to the fact that in fact I am no longer "disinherited."

Knight doesn't really fit anymore because, in battle, they live by a chivalric code where as I do not. If I did I would probably be dead or wounded by now. It is alot easier to shoot someone if they don't see you. I am pretty sure the code was against killing women.

And the whole name "Disinherited Knight" no longer really fits because, as I have told you, It is derived from Sir Walter Scott's book Ivanhoe. Ivanhoe is a knight that has been disowned by his family and has fallen from grace and this no longer applies to me. In the words of the Immortal Slim Shady,"now everybody's so happy and proud I'm finally allowed to set foot in my girlfriend's house." So, as name changes go, I have a few ideas and I want me to tell you what you think. "5" or "Five"this is how many people I have put in the ground. "Smoking barrel" for obvious reasons. "Melted barrel" because that is what I feel like, as in the Army has used me up until there is really not much left." "Quarm" Master Sergeant Quarm has probably saved my life twice or at the very least kept me from having greivous wounds and he is my hero. I am open to suggetions in this, as I am not sure myself. I anxiously await your reply.