
Each day I listen, I listen and pretend I care. It's so easy to pretend. Waiting tables I was an actress. An actress with each individual table. I've played the ho, the silent type, the cordial and pleasing lady, and of course, the ever present whatever they needed.

I write this in a daze of vodka, and Jack Daniel's watermelon spike. They've tried to talk me into tequilla...I continue to decline.... I only hear of the things that are posted at this site. I listen, as I always do, about the rants, few of which I've read, and give feedback as needed. I've decided, whether anyone cares to read it or not, to post my own. I tend to screw things home, at work. Mainly at work. How do I still have my job...not quite sure, but I'm convinced that my boss might want me for more than an employee. I'm completely convinced that if she puts one more thing on my plate, I'll completely hair out. Completely lose my mind and kill people repeatedly. Oh the beauty, the sweet release in telling them to go Fuck themselves and quickly thereafter send them six feet under. Is six feet enough...not sure, keep ya posted.

Oh the FUCKING beauty in the men who decide to plant their seed in the belly of a whore than to let it fall on the ground. FUCK THEM!!! Fuck the men who decide that they're too good to spend the time, the money on something that could bring them the most beautiful thing ever!!! FUCK THEM!!! LOOK!!! LOOK what they can cause!!! LOOK!!!! Look at what they leave in the minds, the bodies in which they leave behind!!!! FUCK THEM!!! How the hell!? Just don't get it...just don't get it. The beauty in the faces of the children, the beauty in the face of the innocence, the best high in the world. I really need to pee...I hope he's not in there long.

Perhaps I talk too much. Perhaps noone really cares what I have to say. Perhaps they can KISS MY ASS..... Nah, I'm too nice to ever say anything like that.

-The Girl With the Most Cake