rant for my mother 2002

i fucking hate montel williams.

stupid piece of shit show displaying the trash of america making it out to be some sort of fucking goddamned HEARTFELT CONCERNED dog and pony show....today featuring girls who sleep with their kids

fuck them.

it takes two to fucking have a kid, so all these girls out complaining and moaning about how they have it so fucking hard---i got one thing to say: " it was your decision. "

" it's all about inclusion. "


i smoke far too many cigarettes.

sometimes i wonder if my right to exist is as nonexistant as i make it out to be.

abc network is putting out another shit version of a (probably) good stephen king story.


such is life, i guess.

you mean there seems to be some calm in my chaos?

am i honestly something you want, or is it just what i represent?

all these hideous girls are out getting laid and "making bad choices" (thank you roo) and i can't even get a date?


i can't seem to break out of the shell so carefully created by years of deprecation and self-loathing---which one came first?

you tell me.

i don't have all the answers....that's why i keep breathing.

when i play piano---i play for myself, for redemption, for the soothing of the savage soul that resides in each and every single human being in existence right this very minute, so fuck you if you think i need an audience, and fuck you if you think i don't have the right to judge others on their lack of taste in music or anything else otherwise.

i have that fucking right because i am white, educated, upper middle class, and american.

hahaha---my gender and age range are currently the controlling consumer group in the united states.

somewhere, there is control.

somewhere two people are fucking in public.

makes one feel kinda inadequate,huh?

you are so heartless.

i like you because you open me up.

i guess i've done enough damage to this popsicle stand.

oh, and by the way----three things

i love raspberry rhumba smoothies.

two----mozart's "vesperae solemnis de confessore" is a fucking hard assed piece to sing----i recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone.


three---fuck you morgan, and i hope to god that your life is going to continue on it's pathetic little downward spiral.

" i saw my love.....how utterly wretched you are, but i bear no grudge." - andrew bird