You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

" Murder At The Colorado Lounge. "

He's not home. Signed off at ten minutes after seven. Ten minutes after I left him there. Who did he go to see, I wonder?

God fucking damn it you fucking bitches, you have eighteen people over and the stereo is pounding, and you have the nerve to bitch about my cat litter pile in the hall?

Fuck off and die.

" Did you get tired of bombing the universe? "

God bless you Patrick. You make my heart sing when all other song is silent.

I'd tell you, but you wouldn't know how to deal with it. So, sorry.

Gee, you're smart.

Happy, woman?


I bet he's gone to spread the oats whilst I eagerly await his return.






I've been bleeding heavily for eleven days. Is that bad?

I fucking love how people state and re-state the obvious.

It's cold.

Hey, I'm freezing.

It's cold.

I almost got mugged in Louisville by this homeless guy by the wharf. Truth is, I felt sorry for the poor bastard. I bet he needed that three bucks more than I did.


" Toilet Humour "

No paper in the bathrooms for three days straight now. Isn't that some sort of health violation?

I feel very mechanical lately. Going through the motions. Trying not to let it show that I am utterly tired of most things.

What I am not tired of is ( insert name here) tired of me.

I am not broken. I am in hibernation. Hiding. I am not myself.

I will not be myself for a long time.

" Howard "

He is happy. I am keeping to myself because he loves me better this way.

" Gee, you're smart. "

Life is grand. I have to pay eighty million dollars to get the ability to have my appearance altered. My country is/isn't/is/isn't going to war with Iraq/North Korea/Iraq/North Korea. Needless to say my personal sense is patriotism (nationalism) isn't up to par. Missing lots of things. Out of the loop. Cuckold. Tired.

sOMEDAY i will bREAK out of this sheLL and give them all nOTHINg that they bargained for.


no, this is not a threat. It's a promise of the most non-violent revolution ever experienced by man.

" for years i thought that about myself, because i know that EVERYONE HAS so much potential, and for someone to come along and say what I have been thinking for years... it is disconcerting i do not know how to deal with it.

fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU you fucking egotistical prick.

my saying anything to that point has nothing to do with your delusions of self-grandeur.

i have my own reasons for saying what i (don't ever say to you because you hate it and can't stand that i'm giving it all away to you.)


I'm not making any sense.

Perhaps I should start again.

why did you block me?



I defect.