I Hate Women

i hate women.

so what if i'm in a bad mood? what the fuck do you fucking care? you're not even interested anymore anyway.

jesus fucking christ, i'm fat.

i feel outcasted. i feel angry. i feel bad. i feel wasted. i feel used. i feel disgraced. i feel abused. i feel unwanted.

oh, horror of horrors, right?

oh, i know what you'll say. "get off the damn cross, somebody needs the wood."


i see all these beautiful girls with charms i will never posess, with goals i will never attain, with lives i will never lead and attention i will never have.

fucking stupid whores. FUCKING STUPID WHORES. I FUCKING HATE YOU. i am so jealous, the personification of envy.

despite popular belief, i am ugly on the inside, too.


why can i not accept the fact that i will never be one of those girls.

does the good outweigh the bad? really, in the end?

i won't screw you over. but i have frizzy hair. i am loyal to the end. my cunt's too loose. i am strikingly intelligent. i have three jelly rolls. i can be insightful. with greasy skin.

if you fucks only knew how hard it is to gain you, how hard we scheme and connive and plot, how we destroy our bodies, our minds, our hearts and our souls, for you.

you wonder why we fuck YOU over? you fucking started it.

we are a generation of women raised by women with no men, for one random reason or another. we are trained, bred, to hate you, the very core of your being.

we are taught that you are selfish, heartless, cold pricks with no heart and no interest other than your own.

are they right? i don't know. but i'm stupid and impractical enough just to find out.

i live in constant fear that he will discover the truth about me. that i am empty-headed and lonesome, just like the rest of them.

see, women are terrified of the world. we want men to take care of us, shelter us, protect us, comfort us. the same things we didn't get in the fathers we never had.

too much to ask? maybe.

some bitches take it too far, go nuts, want the attention too much, go to great lengths to gather and keep it.

stalkers and psycho hose beasts (i'm fucking sure we all know at LEAST two of these hoes) are two good examples.

i don't know how to get it all out. but i know that i don't want to live like this anymore.

the so called "perfect" man does not exist. if you know one, he's gay. no question.

no one is perfect. but you eventually (if you have some semblance of a soul) learn to love the imperfections that come with the good.

god fuck, people --- i don't even know what i'm trying to say. i am so angry and so helpless and so caught up over the little things that i miss the good creamy filling.

it is our job to make it better, so that girls like me no longer exist. that is the world i want for my daughters and sons.

help me. please.