Silence is Golden

I'm losing weight for people I don't even like.

Maybe I should just be a cop for the fun of fucking with these idiots that I have to deal with on a fucking semi-daily basis as well as the asshole punks that have made my life more difficult than it needed to be. I think that in itself would be satisfying.

Sorry I couldn't ruin my life for you.

"These days I barely get by. I don't even try."

-Beck, "Golden Age" from Sea Change

Fucking buy that albumn. Or I'll eat your family's souls.

"It's only lies that I'm living. Only tears that I'm crying. It's only you that I'm losing. Guess I'm doing fine."

-Beck, "Guess I'm Doing Fine" from Sea Change

Carbohydrates are our enemy.

I love it when people feel it necessary to dredge up some of the most painful times of my life.

I think that the fact I can no longer eat the product I serve(nor have I had it in a month) makes me a little more angry at the customers.

It's strange being around someone who is not only fun to be around but will get a mother fucker high, too.

Today I managed to scare off the guy everyone has silently agreed to be a truely bizarre fuck. I consider this a great accomplishment.

You have the audasity to be angry when you put yourself in these situations. Fuck.

I'm willing to bet some bastard got himself some ass.

Sometimes silence is really for the best.

I can never forgive.

The thick of winter is upon us and I think I can't take anymore of you.

...or your shit.

...or anything else.

"Wrong Guess"

Actually, I believe that the point I hit bottom was being jobless, living in the trailer with no fucking heat or water, being broke, suspended from school, fucked over in love life, etc. I think everything from there(including the alcoholic phase) has been all uphill.

You've got to start somewhere.

There are some people I like to see hit bottom because they bring it on themselves.

Others I like to see hit bottom because I know that they will have somewhere to go afterwards.

Others, I just want to bury approximately six feet below the bottom.

...But that's neither here nor there.

I really am a much different man.

"I wanna kill you; I wanna blow you away."

-Poe, "Angry Johnny"

Fuck jennifer, crystal, nikki, and lauren .

Fuck Jereimy, fuck anna, fuck eddie, and evan .

Fuck joe, fuck bob, fuck jason and mike too.

But most of all, bitch, here's a big fuck you.

At least I'm willing to do the right things for the wrong reasons. That's better than most people in and of itself.

There's nothing quite like explosive diarhea.

"Now I bade a friend farewell; I can do whatever pleases me."

-Beck, "Guess I'm Doing Fine" from Sea Change

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."

-United States Marine Corps.

So, where along the line did we go wrong to become the assholes we are today?

My patience is wearing thin. I can only wait so long for you to decide right.

This, too, will pass.

Why can't I have just one good run? I don't think I'm asking too fucking much here. And, Nikki, if you're out there somewhere reading this:

Fuck you.

"Great Expectations"

No, I'm not a fair man. I'm a judgemental prick and I'm judging you. Yes, you reading this right now. I'm probably calling you a whore, or an asshole, or a clusterfuck. This is because you are. I'm not just making this shit up. Take some fucking responsibility and stop putting it all off on me.

Crystal the Christian dentist is incredibly gorgeous.

I'm sick and fucked up to the point that if people knew how much they wouldn't want to hang out with me.

"The Wolf"

-"Ma'am, on behalf of my gender I would just like to apologize for those fools and all those like them."

--"Oh, that's ok. I kind of liked it actually."

-"Really? In that case: Do you wanna go make out?"

--"Naw, you're ugly."

-"Ok. Have a nice day."

--"You too."

(These are the thoughts that keep me out of the really good schools.)

"How can I protect your honor when you continue to defile it?"

As you talked of other men last night I remained silent. This is probably for the best.

Desperately seeking... something.

she - How do you know women so well?

i - It was years of lonely observation.

I get dizzy quite often these days.

"My girl's a liar, but I stand beside her 'cause she's all I got and I don't wanna be alone.

-Weezer, "No Other One" from Pinkerton

I am ashamed of me.

Time passes, nothing changes, and life continutes on in it's own tedious way. Sometimes this is for the best.

Silently, I continue with my plans of self/wide-spread destruction.

"I've made an ass of myself enough times to know that, when all else fails, silence is truely the best answer."