
I find it amusing to ask people how to kill a cat. Looks are priceless.

"cliches are only cliches because someone better than you said what you are thinking better than you ever could."

So fucking what?

I am a woman---does this mean that I should be trampled upon, fucked over, misunderstood, raped, beaten?

Just because I have bigger tits than men?

At the moment I am stuck in my own stupid, pathetic little drama because everything else I fight for so diligently, I lose…so therefore I feel I have to cause shit on a smaller level.

But not for long.

I have no idea what I want to make of my life. All I know is that when I pop out a couple of puppies by fucking god they’re going to have it better than I did, if it kills me.

If my parents died today, I would hate myself for never forgiving them. For not being there, for casting me aside, for not realizing that the potential I flaunted at such a young age is lost and gone forever.

I weep every day because of it.

I hate the fact that politics had lost its’ luster to me --- politicians have always been sellouts, but it seems to me that the parties have forgotten what they’re selling out for.

My opinions on the "attacks" of September eleventh piss a lot of people off, particularly my family.

So what?

I have no right to deviate from the domestications so rigidly set forth by the years of public schooling?

We deserved every bit of it. I wept that day for the truly innocent victims in those buildings, and the people who tried to save them, but if bin-Laden (or whoever really perpetrated the act) were smarter, they’d make a fucking good attempt to end the suffering of many third world countries by targeting the 5% of Americans who far overshadow the rest of us in wealth and ultimately, power. It is these people, these "controlling interests" that caused our military forces to go and fuck with the Arab world, trying to defeat the evil "reds", communists from Russia that were only doing what comes naturally to any country---attempting expansion.

We trained the bastards, and they bit us. It’s simple cause and effect, you morons.

And while I’m at it---let me just say "Fuck Teddy Roosevelt." Back in the day he was as bad about expansionism and brutal means of controlling others as the British were.

How can McDonald’s get away with half the shit they do?

Why do I support Philip Morris, and the legalisation of marijuana, anti-censorship, and all other kinds of "reckless, dangerous ideals"?

Because I don’t think the government has any fucking right to make my decisions for me. If I want to inhale a thousand different kinds of rat poisons, then it’s my choice. If I want to go out and shoot heroin and screw up my life, then I should have the right to. I find it ridiculous that we rate movies from G to NC-17, when public television networks show just as much shit on primetime weeknights---I don’t see any kids getting locked out of their living rooms when ER comes on, do you?

It pisses me off that kids get to stay up later now. When I was twelve, it was bed by eight thirty.

Why is it that I can go fight a war for this country, but they won’t let me buy a beer afterwards?

That is bullshit.

Drinking ages here should be 16.…but your bitch ass can’t have a license until you’re twenty one.

I find it sad that I am stuck at a public university that cannot really teach me anything.

I hate cars.

Another thing---if I knew now, at eighteen years of age, what I was going to do with the rest of my life, well then I wouldn’t even be sitting here listening to the people that are asking me "Whut are you gonna do with the rest of your life?"


If I knew that, then I sure as hell wouldn’t be wasting my time at EKU. But, since I don’t, we all get to suffer. So shut up and let me figure it out.

If I were really that worried about living the rest of my life for money and material possessions, I wouldn’t be in music ---- DO YOU GET THAT?!

I understand that a lot of money makes life a lot easier---but I’ve lived in trailers and section eight before, and I can do it again---but only on my own. God fucking help me to not subject my children to that.

It’s true---I want a better life for my kids. You don’t like that? FUCK YOU. If you’d actually go and fucking do something at least moderately productive instead of getting all flustered over my meaningless, matter-less bullshit, then maybe you’d have some fucking room to talk.

Why is it that there are people out there who hurt others because it’s fun? I don’t mean physically (well, yeah, that too.) but emotionally, and mentally.

Have we, as the generation of MTV and pop consumerism, lost so much faith in the world that we honestly believe that only negativity will wake us up?

I wholeheartedly believe that.

Call me out for my hypocrisy. I wear nice clothing, drive a nice car, always have food in my stomach and I am able to whine about Beethoven not writing opera. You know why? Because I am an American.

Yup, that’s absolutely fucking right. Because I had the good fortune to be born in America, others in third world countries get to suffer with innumerable diseases, civil war, religious persecution, and death at every turn.

Then again, so do Americans, in in a much quieter, more civilized, more "refined" manner.

I was once called "insolent" because I refused to stand up for a tribute to patriotism---a singing of "My Country ‘Tis of Thee." is it not also my fucking right to free speech and protest when I don’t stand?

Is that not patriotism as well?