Facing East

You're tearing me apart.

What have I gotten myself into?

There are just some things that I don't need to know.

I am never known as the romantic.

You ruin yourself.

I guess I'm only cool enough under certain conditions. Fuck.

Fuck this, fuck that. Son of fuck, monkey fuck, fuck you and fuck me. Fuck.

So here I sit alone, facing east, contemplating cheap thrills of the past and the lackluster possibilities of the future.


Something must change soon.

I've been locked away inside this place, this feeling, this state of mind too long.

I feel like vomiting up all the bad. I would welcome the emptiness that would come in it's place.

Or is the emptiness the bad?

I feel like driving.

I feel like quittng.

I feel like telling my boss to fuck off.

I feel like getting horribly drunk.

There are people I feel strongly enough about never having in my life to the point of excluding others I do want.

Hey. I get second place in the game of life. Yay! Guess that means I'm almost desireable.


Just don't ask.

I had to bite my lip to keep from telling my boss, "You've already sent one man to his grave; Are you going for a fucking record, whore?" That would be bad, I imagine.

Grow balls and run your business like a man.

What do you really want from me?


I do believe I've failed you.


Please, just make the confusion go away.

I can't wait to say, "I quit." That very thought keeps me moving while I work. I relish just the idea of the sounds those two words will make when they exit my mouth. They will help lighten this burden.

There I stood, facing east, trying to be cool with a hole in my shirt that I had forgotten about.

I want, nay, I need beer.

Surely I'm more than a sum of my genitalia.

You don't have to love me; Just pretend that you do.

"Why, Part II"

I live in a world where a woman gets slapped around and the detectives get called femenist faggots for trying to ask the guy who did it questions about the crime.

I live in a world where the few good people left long for death.

I am alone because I'm not enough of a prick.

We should be ashamed of ourselves.

I face failure with a shit-eating grin.

I know that if I care about what you say, try to help you, treat you well, and talk to you like a human being that you won't like me at all and we can have no romantic future together.

As much of a pacifist piece of shit I am I hope that we do finally nuke ourselves into oblivion so that this failed experiment called humanity finally ends.

I'm vendictive, so you're coming with me.

"...Cause I was lonely and she was crazy."

-Smashin Pumkins, X.Y.U.

My disappointment in Humanity is killing me.

The more I'm around with or talk to other people the more I prefer the company of myself.

Perpetually stupid.

You have failed me.

I hate it when a really good song that I enjoy reminds me of one of the most miserable times of my life. Fuck.

"It's so hard to let you go. I will make you change your mind."

"Run with the Hunted"

"-Bush, Mind Changer"

One toke over the line.

Giving a girl tips on what she should charge for pain killers.

As of late, I think that God favors the brave. Not the stupid; But the truely brave.

I hate Linkin Park. If I held their last albumn in my hand I would smother it in gasoline and light it aflame. Am I the only person in the world that doesn't like these no talent, worthless, whining fucks? I could make more origional music with my dick and a snare drum. And this fuck whining into the microphone has the same fucking voice a thousand other worthless and not nearly as popular bands has. They can't even do this angsty horse shit they go for with any degree of competancy. Fuck them and the horses they fucked in on. May mommy beat you harder, fags.

Great, I'm fucking lactose intolerant. That's just fucking wonderful.

Sleep comes to relieve me of these burdens.

I'm the kind of asshole that will single you out.

I'm judging you... Right now.

If a man a would take a bullet for didn't love you, you whore, I'd make your life a living Hell.

I knew in the thirty seconds between finishing the cup of milk and the onset of the doubling-over, awful pain that it probably wasn't worth it.

There I was, driving east, knowing that if he had had me outnumbered, I would have very well been in a fist fight.

Everyone else is talking about fun things and good times.

How can you have one person in your life and leave the other out when they are still so close?

Help me help you help us.



Facing East, knowing that there has to be more than this.