Darkest Days

*** Happy Fucking Birthday.


I think that I should move away soon.

It's not that I've completely alienated all those that love me more than the fact that they never really cared that much to begin with.

That wasn't even the beginnings of pesimism.

I can't even get a ride to the liquor store on my birthday, how shitty is that? I would even pay gas money.

"Reckless Abandon"

Just so I know... Why is it everytime that I give a woman the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe, just maybe this woman isn't completely evil---She has to prove me wrong and be a dumb whore?

"Bad, Definitely Bad"

So here I am reading a sign that says "Be Free". Loud dance music is playing, American flags hang from the walls, two pretty girls are trying to show me bikini's that they want to buy for summer(or else I wouldn't be here), fashionable people are selling fashionable things, and it's Valentines Day...

So, how's that for commercialism?

The manequins had more style than me.

"Still Alone"

You know, I've created some of my greatest work because of you...

...And I still hate you.

Well, of all those gray yesterdays I can still tell you that this day among others had to be one of the most mentally scarring. Thanks.

You honestly have the gall to wonder why I want to drink. Probably not. You know better.

Well, suffice to say that you helped create who I am now so you should fully expect to bear the weight of that fact in full.

I'm not saying revenge, I'm just saying anything from here on out is partly you.

How sad.

*** So why don't you ever hear people say, "I'm going to get drunk and womanize tonight!"?

*** I'm not doing as well as I led you guys to believe.

*** I hate being friends with women. It never works.

*** That shit just kicked in

"Proof Positive"

I noticed, for a girl that hated sex, it sure didn't take her very long after the seperation to start whoring around

Oh, was that judgemental?


*** I'm more educated than most of the people I have to deal with.

*** Why must you forsake me in my time of need?

*** Get a job, Tabor.

*** Help me.

"Allegory 25"

So, once again, damn the lot of you.

Why is just when I think things won't be a complete turd roll of a waste of my time and generally fucking lame, I am proven wrong. Everytime there's a shred of hope it is urinated all over.

Just one fucking day out of the year I'd like for something to not suck.

Just once.

Is that too much to ask?

I have a dream. Nope, that's been done. I have a Rant-- I just for fucking once would like everyone to take there heads, and pull them out of their asses and be cool, just for fucking once. And the women stop being insane and dumb... And stay quiet for a fucking change. And all the nuttrash who can't read or do simple math stay away from my place of business.

That's all I fucking ask for today.

*** I'm lonely.